Friday, July 05, 2024

Google Classroom: New Feature! | Mark as Missing!

Google Classroom: Mark as Missing Update
Google Classroom just rolled out a new feature for teachers that I'm so thankful for! We can now manually mark a student's assignment as missing! Continue reading to find out how this new feature works!

As an avid Google Classroom teacher user, one of the most frustrating things I've had to deal with is when students turn in an assignment incomplete and before the due date. I've come to realize that one of the main reasons students do this is because they are trying to fool the system and their family at home. Students have learned that if they turn in their assignment before the due date, even if it is incomplete, the Guardian Summary Email that their family receives will consider it finished. However, this only prolongs the inevitable.

The Google Classroom Team has finally given teachers more control over missing and completed work! We can manually mark assignments as either missing or complete! Watch my latest EdTechnocation Video Tutorial to find out how this new feature works!

You can also learn more about this new feature on the Google Workspace blog.

What do you think of this newest Google Classroom feature? Let me know in the comments below!

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Digital K-12 Classroom Online Summit | Feb 21-23, 2020

Digital K-12 Classroom Online Summit | Feb 21-23 | @EdTechnocation #CDCS20 @EdTech4Future
Put this in your calendar 📅 for February 21-23, 2020 for the Collaboration in the Digital K-12 Classroom online summit! You won't want to miss these pre-recorded sessions from more than 50 presenters (I'm a Keynote!) from all over the world 🌏! Read on for all the details!

Thursday, June 13, 2019